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SASOL CERALOX High Purity Alumina

Product Number:



American Sasol high-purity alumina powder is a white micropowder, with high purity, low sodium content, good consistency, uniform particle size, easy dispersion, moderate high temperature shrinkage performance, as well as good sintering performance, high conversion rate and other unique material properties.
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Product Details

Sasol utilizes its proprietary high temperature calcination, milling, and forming technologies to produce alumina with a wide variety of physical properties. CERALOX alumina is available as free-flowing powders, granules, spheres, and high density pellets. CERALOX alumina products are based on proprietary aluminum alkoxide production technology and are available with up to 99.999% purity. CERALOX aluminas have a unique combination of purity and tailored physical properties that make CERALOX alumina excellent starting materials for a variety of applications including: sapphire crystal growth, lighting, inorganic chemical synthesis, alumina coatings, thermal spray, phosphors, polishing, and technical ceramics.

Typical chemical properties

Product Purity Primary impurities (ppm)
Na Si Fe Ca Mg Ga Cr Ni Ti Cu Zn Zr
APA-0.5 w/ MgO 99.96% 10 60 100 10 300 55 5 5 30 <1 45 5
AHPA-0.5 w/ MgO 99.995% 5 15 10 5 300 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 2 2
APA-RTP-SB 99.96% 10 60 100 10 300 55 5 5 30 <1 45 5
AHPA-RTP-SB 99.995% 5 15 10 5 300 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 2 2
UHPA-Alpha-Milled 99.998% 1 5 2 1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1
UHPA – Alpha >99.999% <1 2 1 <1         <1      



Typical physical properties

Product Particle size (µm ) Surface area Green density Fired density  Loose bulk density
D10 D50 D90 (㎡/g) (g/cc) (g/cc) (g/l)
APA-0.5 w/MgO 0.2 0.3 0.4 7.5 2.22 3.96  
AHPA-0.5 w/ MgO 0.2 0.3 0.4 8.0  2.22 3.96  
AHPA-RTP-SB 25 60 125 7.5 2.4 3.95  
AHPA-RTP-SB 25 60 125 7.5 2.4 3.95  
UHPA-Alpha-Milled 0.1 <1 10 8 2   950
UHPA – Alpha   35   5      



Application areas



Luminescent materials:
Used as rare earth three primary color phosphor, long afterglow phosphor,
The main raw materials of PDP phosphor and LED phosphor



Transparent ceramics:
Fluorescent tube used as high-pressure sodium lamp, electrically programmable read-only memory window:



Single crystal material:
Used in the manufacture of ruby, sapphire, yttrium aluminum garnet;



Special ceramics: used in the manufacture of integrated circuit substrates, cutting tools, high-purity crucibles, for the manufacture of lithium battery separator coating applications;



Lithium battery separator: used for applications on lithium battery separator coatings.

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